Home » Dictionary » Romanette


 n.Note: A thorough discussion of this word can be found at the Volokh Conspiracy blog. «One bright spot in the colloquy came during Assistant to the Solicitor General Nicole Saharsky’s defense of an expansive view of the law. In discussing the statute at issue, 18 U.S.C. 922 (a)(33)(A)(i) and (ii), justices had been referring, awkwardly, to sections “little eye” and “little eye eye.” But Saharsky had a far better way. She called them “Romanette one and two,” using an obscure but self-explaining and almost whimsical term for a lower-case Roman numeral. “Romanette?” asked Chief Justice John Roberts quizzically. “Oh, little Roman numeral,” Saharsky replied offhandedly. No biggie. “I’ve never heard that before!” said Roberts. “That’s… Romanette.” » —“Assistant to SG Teaches Chief Justice a New Word” by Tony Mauro Blog of LegaTimes Nov. 10, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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